Friday, August 17, 2007

First Shabbat Services

One thing we really like about Seattle is this crazy little synagogue where we've gone for high holiday services the past couple of years. We took Amelia to Shabbat services on the beach at sunset - pretty nice!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

First Trip to the Beach

Amelia took her first vacation to Moclips, WA. The weather wasn't so nice, but we still had fun driving on the beach, playing mini golf and watching the sun set.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Rolling Over

Amelia has been working on perfecting the stomach to back roll, and today we finally caught it on camera (sort of)! She hates being on her stomach, so we don't imagine she'll roll the other direction any time soon.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Growing Up

Over the next few weeks, Amelia survived a Seattle heat wave, began to smile, and finally found a comfortable position on her tummy. Her parents learned how to eat meals when Amelia didn't feel like sleeping through dinner time, and she got to spend some time with Grandma!