Thursday, May 29, 2008


Amelia has been obsessed with dogs lately, but she gets a little unsure of herself when they actually pay attention back! Here she is with Boodles (pup of our friends Steve & Kathy) this past weekend.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Amelia and daddy wake up bright and early to watch Manchester United clinch their second championship in a row!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wales - Feeding the Swans

Amelia also got to feed the local swans some bread crusts.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wales - Day at the Beach

We had beautiful weather for our trip, and Amelia could have spent all day filling that bucket with sand!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wales - Family

Amelia recently returned from her first trip abroad: a week in Pwllheli, North Wales. Sadly, Amelia's great-grandmother passed away during our visit. She lived just shy of 92 years and was a smart, kind and loving woman. We're sad Amelia didn't get to know her better, but one bright side of a passing is that families gather together and Amelia got to meet a good portion of her Welsh clan. Here she is with her cousins Rhiann and Samantha. Amelia had an especially fun time playing with Samantha, who showed much patience in taking Amelia to visit the neighbors' cat, over and over and over....

Monday, May 19, 2008


Tonight my mom let me eat blueberries all by myself - yum!